Sunday, September 13, 2009

June Bugs

On Saturday, June 13th, the excavator arrives to backfill the dirt around the foundation. This means there won't be any more mounds of dirt lying about - just flat dirt. Once everything is levelled out, I notice several sections of cut sprinkler pipe sticking out of the ground. The system had been off for a few weeks, owing to the rain, so we really have no way of knowing whether the cut pipes are the old lines that were relocated, or the new ones. The question is answered when I turn the system on, and suddenly feel as if I'm standing in front of the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Well, at least the sprinkler company knows the way to our house by now.

Monday, June 15th. I call the sprinkler company who can't schedule a repair call for about three weeks. It's not as if the lawn hasn't been getting enough water lately, so there's no real rush. Meanwhile, the slab floor has been poured in the addition, and upstairs the master bathroom has had all of the sheetrock installed. The contractor and I meet to discuss details about the siding, stonework, and thousands of other issues.

Tuesday, June 16th. A doorway has been cut through the existing basement wall into the new area, and covered with a sheet of plywood. But looking at the newly-exposed 48-year-old foundation wall reminds me of Geraldo Rivera opening Al Capone's vault. Hopefully our experience will be more rewarding. Also today the downstairs bathroom window has been removed, and replaced with a door that will provide direct access to the patio and pool without having to walk through the family room. This was a great idea of Shaw's, and the two glass panels at the top of the door will still allow some light into the room.

During the next week and a half, the downstairs bathroom gets sheetrocked, the shower floor is built in the master bathroom, and both bathrooms begin getting tiled. All of the supplies had been sitting and waiting in our garage, except the tile for the downstairs shower wall. That's on backorder.

Monday, June 29th. Shaw and I both have this week off, so of course hardly anything gets accomplished. The plumbing inspector isn't able to schedule the final plumbing inspection, so all of the bathroom fixtures can't be completely installed. But, the steps from the foyer to the living are removed and the opening blocked off from both levels - by a piece of plywood downstairs, and by an intertwined rope barricade from the living room. This will hopefully keep Logan (or anybody else) from doing a swan dive a full story down into the basement. But, through this entire week not much else gets done. I know, Friday's a holiday, but still. Next week should be more productive.

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