Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Cold War

The next evening I come home and notice that the new HVAC unit has been wired into the breaker box in the basement. I also see that the new thermostat has been set. Excited that we finally have air conditioning in the bedrooms where the Good Lord intended it to be, we get ready for bed. It seems a bit warm, but we figure that's due to the break-in period of the new unit. Just to be on the safe side, though, Shaw goes downstairs to lower the temperature on the old unit. Neither of us sleeps very well.

The next morning Sparky comes by to install something he'd forgotten to do the day before (and also install something else that he forgot he'd forgotten, but I digress). Shaw mentions that it seemed a bit warm in the house, to which Sparky replies that he'd shut down the old system the day before. What about the new one? Shaw asks. Oh, that one isn't on yet. Another call to the contractor and we suddenly have two working units. And the cooler bedroom level just might make this worthwhile. But clearly Sparky needs a sitter.

It's now been a little more than two weeks since the first blow was struck (or screw was unhinged, but that really applies to just me) and Shaw and I are both looking extremely forward to spending Memorial Day weekend with friends at their home on Long Island. I'm beginning to show signs of Construction Renovation Aversion Psychosis (CRAP) and, to quote Bette Midler upon getting off a plane in Germany, "My little Jewish heart is screaming, GET ME THE F**K OUT OF HERE!!!" I need to spend some time in a functioning house.

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